With this free US Citizenship Practice Test Mandarin Chinese version, you can prepare for the US citizenship final interview. In order to become a US citizen you will need to answer at least six out of ten questions correctly.
-flashcards mode
-star your flashcards for later review
-play all questions and answers audio automatically
-3 different practice modes
-English pronunciation of all questions
-English pronunciation of all answers
-pronounce all questions in Mandarin Chinese
-pronounce all answers in Mandarin Chinese
The following questions are not part of this app:
- Name your U.S. Representative. (depends on your state.)
- Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators now? (depends on your state)
- Who is the Governor of your state now? (depends on your state)
- What is the capital of your state? (depends on your state)
This app is not affiliated with any government agency. It is meant for study purposes only and should not be used as the sole resource for the US citizenship test. The test materials are sourced from the official website: https://www.uscis.gov