Regardless of your background in math, engineering, or physics - the Derivatives Calculator will help you find the derivative of every function.
Here you can solve any type of derivative, and get the calculation solved step by step for you.
This free Derivative Calculator allows you to compute functional derivatives for absolutely free of cost.
A decent calculator helps to avoid pitfalls and to build your confidence in your answers.
App features:
- Nice looking functions equations.
- Step-by-step derivatives with explanations for each rule applied.
- Proofs for the derivatives of basic functions Compute the first, second, .... n derivative.
- Optional dark mode for saving battery on OLED displays.
- Multiple languages supported
- Support all functions, like quadratic function , abs, sqrt, cbrt, ln, exp, log, and 24 trigonometrics functions (cos, sin, tan, sec, acos...).