This lux meter measures the light in the environment using the device's light sensor.
Luxmeter features:
- Simple user interface,
- analog and digital format,
- visual alert when approaching the limit of the measurement range,
- instant measurements in lux and fc (foot-candle),
- graphs the measurement data,
- buttons to start, stop and reset measurements,
- displays the maximum, average, and minimum value of the measurements,
- three ranges for ambient light measurements,
- three sample rates,
- device sensor calibration factor adjustment option.
Example of use of the lux meter:
- In photography and cinema to measure the luminosity of a photograph or scene,
- in engineering and architecture to establish the appropriate interior and exterior lighting parameters in buildings,
- to save electrical energy by avoiding excess lighting in homes and buildings,
- in meteorology to measure the luminosity of the sky,
- in greenhouses to measure the illumination above the ground,
- in astronomy and ecology to measure light pollution,
- in exhibition halls to control the appropriate illuminance parameters for proper conservation of the exhibits,
- to improve safety in work spaces by avoiding illnesses or accidents related to lack of lighting.
How change measurement range?
1- Slide the >> icon to the right main window,
2- Press settings button from side bar,
3- Select the measurement range, and
4- Press smartphone return button.
5- Start the measurement.
How change sample rates?
1- Slide the >> icon to the right main window,
2- Press settings button from side bar,
3- Select the sample rate, and
4- Press smartphone return button.
5- Start the measurement.